The networks are mocking you. Drive down Wilshire and
you will see what I mean. Above you, ABCs hit-shows parade themselves on banners,
flying at half-mast on the green lampposts. On the left, each yellow flag, spells out with
black letters COMEDY, DRAMA, SPORTS, and on the right are gleaming faces of familiar
stars. They smile at you, they look at you seductively, alluring you to come and watch
them in the comfort of your own home. White faces that tell you to buy the products that
they sell on your TV. In ABC's world, ethnic minorities do not exist. ABC even had the
gall to put up these flags in certain regions of Los Angeles, mainly the poor ones, where
whites are a minority. ABC is mocking you.
But before you conclude that ABC and the rest of their network
cronies are racists, let me tell you that TV executives are merely doing what they are
programmed to do. This is America. Money dictates everything. In fact they are worse than
racists they are as ignorant as they are greedy. In a recent article by Paul
Brownfield in the Los Angeles Times (As Minorities' TV Presence Dims, Gay Roles
Proliferate July 21, 1999) he reported that there are more gay characters on
this years fall TV line-up than there are Blacks, Latinos, and Asians combined.
However, I disagree with his implied conclusion that gay characters on TV are
proliferating because of the sensibilities of the networks, and that most of the people
who control what goes on television are gay. If they are, then they must also be white
gays because most of the gay characters Mr. Brownfield mentioned in his article are white.
In the article, he quoted Paul Schulman, head of the agency
Schulman/Advansers New York, saying, "People just became used to seeing it. I don't
think it's a taboo the way it was a couple years back. The heat is pretty much off."
If this is true, I only remind you that Ellen DeGeneres TV character was months out
of the closet when Matthew Sheppard was slain in Wyoming. No, Mr. Schulman, I dont
think the heat is off.
Television is targeting the gay community for the same reason they
target anybody: money. An openly gay couple means a two-income, no children demographic
and in the bleary eyes of the television execs this is gold. Though they may sanction the
existence of gay characters on their shows, in their limited white world, those gay
characters can only be white. In their white world, there are no gay Blacks, no gay
Asians, no gay Latinos, and there are no poor gays.