Georgina Riedel (dir.) is accepting submissions for Somerton,
Arizona, a 16mm film for AFI about an elderly woman's life being transformed after buying
a car. Prod. Karen Thompson. Shoot starts Nov. 7. Copy, credit, and meals provided. There
is deferred pay.
Dona Concha: late 60s-early 70s, strong-willed, sick of not living, partial nudity
required; Don Pedro: late 60s-early 70s, charismatic, love interest;
Lolita Concha: 40s, well-meaning, brash, independent, carries burden of family on
shoulders, eldest daughter;
Dona Loda: 50-60s, town gossip;
Father Miguel: 20s, nervous, new to town, priest;
Nena: 50-60s, obese, good-natured, Avon saleswoman;
Blanca Concha: teenager, in-your-face attitude.
Send pix & resumé by Aug. 31 to 2021 N. Western Ave., L.A., CA 90027, attn: Georgina
Riedel. For information e-mail SAG/AFI AGREEMENT.